Welcome to our "updater" blog!

Our real blog is private and located at www.allamericanadianfamily.blogspot.com.

If you aren't invited to the real blog - leave your email address as a comment and I will send you an invite.

What's the point of this blog? You can add this blog address to your Google Reader and I will post a small update and a link when the private blog has been updated.

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


So I was a little behind (ok a LOT behind) in my posts - so I just entered a handful of new ones.


  1. for somereason I can't see your updates on your blog. does anyone else have this problem?

  2. Hey Marseille, I haven't updated since august. whoops!!! I'll be getting back into the swing of things here soon. I just have to figure out when to upload pics - at night my hubby likes to play xbox live and I can't upload at the same time he's playing - so it kinda limits my time....I'll be better I promise!
